Social Marketing Mama by Nic Soto / @MamaPR

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Google To Use Website Page Loading Times For Rankings

Google is looking to shake things up a bit with their plans of using your sites speed load as a factor of how it will be ranked. Oh Google, whatever will we do with you. The popular search engine currently uses your page load times as part of their AdWords quality score, so this is definitely a logical step for this to be included in the organic listings as well. It was bound to happen.

This certainly raises a lot of questions for those who have built their sites over the years, and are now wondering how this will change the game.

I posed this to my friends on Twitter (feel free to follow me/I follow back @MamaPR ) and they had some interesting responses - in the form of questions of course!

"What's going to happen to sites that are not as quick as others, but contains more information?"

"How will this affect my rankings?"

"My site loads up pretty does this mean my ranking will be in the top ten of my category?"

All very good questions, and the answer is.... (drum roll please!)  - Update and fix your site. Sounds simple enough, but it is now highly recommended and no longer can be left on your "things to do when I get around to it" list. Left undone, and you'll surely fall back behind everyone else.

For those of you have haven't updated your content and scaled down those LARGE photos on your website pages or even put in the effort to make it SEO friendly - Well, you will now have to do a serious overhaul. Think about how many times you lost a potential sale due to your slooooow site load.

I'll bet next weeks paycheck that your competitors are already hiring people to do this for them, or learning everything they can (assuming they have the time as many entrepreneurs tend to juggle several balls in the air already!) to make sure that their website is loading up fast for visitors, potential customers and ready for Googles new indexing.

Now of course there are other factors as to how they rank your site, but this is definitely a good place to start.


Posted via web from MamaPR's Posterous

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